By using cloned Rhizobium meliloti, Rhizobium leguminosarum, and Rhizobium sp. strain MPIK3030 nodulation (nod) genes as hybridization probes, homologous regions were detected in the slow-growing soybean symbiont Bradyrhizobium japonicum USDA 110. These regions were found to cluster within a 25-kilobase (kb) region. Specific nod probes from R. meliloi were used to identify nodA-, nodB-, nodC-, and nodD-like sequences clustered on two adjacent HindUI restriction fragments of 3.9 and 5.6 kb. A 785-base-pair sequence was identified between nodD and nodABC. This sequence contained an open reading frame of 420 base pairs and was oriented in the same direction as nodABC. A specific nod probe from R. leguminosarum was used to identify nodIJ-like sequences which were also contained within the 5.6-kb Hindm fragment. A nod probe from Rhizobium sp. strain MPIK3030 was used to identify hsn (host specificity)-like sequences essential for the nodulation of siratro (Macroptilium atropurpureum) on a 3.3-kb Hindm fragment downstream of nodlJ. A transposon Tn5 insertion within this region prevented the nodulation of siratro, but caused little or no delay in the nodulation of soybean (Glycine mar).Soybean, an important agricultural plant, is infected (or nodulated) by and establishes a symbiosis with the nitrogenfixing soil bacterium Bradyrhizobiumjaponicum. Nodulation is a complex developmental process requiring several plant and bacterial functions. B. japonicum is a member of the so-called slow-growing rhizobia (24), as opposed to the taxonomically divergent fast-growing species of Rhizobium that infect such plants as alfalfa (symbiont: Rhizobium melilotf), peas (symbiont: Rhizobium leguminosarum), and clovers (symbiont: Rhizobium trifolii). Although studies of the physiology and molecular biology of nodulation have often used soybeans (19, 50), knowledge of the genetics of nodulation in B. japonicum has lagged behind that of the fast-growing rhizobia.The initial interactions of plant and symbiont that lead to establishment of the symbiosis require at least two sets of genes. One set (nodABCDIJ), the so-called common nodulation genes due to their ability to functionally complement nodulation-defective mutants in other rhizobial species, encodes functions important for the early steps of nodulation (20,23,40,48). A second set of genes (hsn; hsnABCD = nodEFGH) (21, 29) imposes on the plant-bacterial interaction a degree of specificity; certain plant-rhizobia combinations are favored, other combinations are excluded. Induction of these nodulation genes requires low-molecularweight compounds produced by the plant and also a functional nodD gene (22,27). Additionally, Rostas, et al. (42) have identified a 47-base-pair (bp) sequence upstream of many of the known nodulation operons in R. meliloti that are essential for nod gene induction. This sequence has been termed the Nod box.Recently, four groups have cloned the common nodulation genes from three different species ofBradyrhizobium (31,35,38,43). In each case, the common nodulat...