We develop a dynamic network formation model that can explain the observed nestedness in real-world networks. Links are formed on the basis of agents' centrality and have an exponentially distributed lifetime. We use stochastic stability to identify the networks to which the network formation process converges and find that they are nested split graphs. We completely determine the topological properties of the stochastically stable networks and show that they match features exhibited by real-world networks. Using four different network data sets, we empirically test our model and show that it fits well the observed networks. 6 Mele (2010) and Liu et al. (2012) provide interesting dynamic network formation models where individuals decide with whom to form links by maximizing a utility function. However, contrary to our model, these papers do not characterize analytically the degree distribution and the resulting network statistics. 7 See Jackson and Zenou (2014), for a recent overview of this literature. 8 Bramoullé and Kranton (2007), Bramoullé et al. (2014), and Galeotti et al. (2010) are also important papers in this literature. The first paper focuses on strategic substitutabilities, while the second one provides a general framework for solving any game on networks with perfect information and linear best-reply functions. The last paper investigates the case when agents do not have perfect information about the network. Because of its tractability, in the present paper, we use the model of Ballester et al. (2006), who analyze a network game of local complementarities under perfect information.