Symptoms associated with pulmonary embolism (PE) can be nonspecific and similar to many competing diagnoses, leading to excessive costly testing and treatment as well as missed diagnoses. Objective studies are essential for diagnosis. This study evaluates the cost-effectiveness of different diagnostic strategies in an Emergency Department (ED) for patients presenting with undifferentiated symptoms suggestive of PE.
Using a probabilistic decision model, we evaluated the incremental costs and effectiveness (quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) gained) of 60 testing strategies for five patient pretest categories (distinguished by Wells score (High, Moderate, or Low) and whether deep venous thrombosis (DVT) is clinically suspected). We performed deterministic and probabilistic sensitivity analyses.
In the base case, for all patient pretest categories, the most cost-effective diagnostic strategy is to use an initial ELISA D-dimer test, followed by compression ultrasound (CUS) of the lower extremities if the D-dimer is above a specified cutoff. The level of the preferred cutoff varies with the Wells pretest category and whether a DVT is clinically suspected. D-dimer cutoffs higher than the current recommended cutoff were often preferred for even Moderate and High Wells category patients. CUS accuracy had to fall below commonly cited levels in the literature before it was not part of a preferred strategy.
When PE is suspected in the ED, use of an ELISA D-dimer assay, often at cutoffs higher than those currently in use (for patients in whom DVT is not clinically suspected), followed by CUS as appropriate, can reduce costs and improve outcomes.