Abstract:To improve the resiliency of designs, particularly for long-lived infrastructure, current engineering practice must be updated to incorporate a range of future climate conditions that are likely to be different from the past. However, a considerable mismatch exists between climate model outputs and the data inputs needed for engineering designs. The present work provides a framework for incorporating climate trends into design standards and applications, including: selecting the appropriate climate model source based on the intended application, understanding model performance and uncertainties, addressing differences in temporal and spatial scales, and interpreting results for engineering design. The framework is illustrated through an application to depth-duration-frequency curves, which are commonly used in stormwater design. A change factor method is used to update the curves in a case study of Pittsburgh, PA. Extreme precipitation depth is expected to increase in the future for Pittsburgh for all return periods and durations examined, requiring revised standards and designs. Doubling the return period and using historical, stationary values may enable adequate design for short duration storms; however, this method is shown to be insufficient to enable protective designs for larger duration storms.