Key-words:Lake Poyang, tributaries, chlorophyll a, light, water retention timeVariations in phytoplankton chlorophyll a were studied in Lake Poyang, and these variations were compared with those observed in its tributaries. Samples were collected from January 2009 to January 2013 during the dry, mid-dry and wet seasons. The study showed that chlorophyll a concentrations were significantly higher in the wet season than in the dry and mid-dry seasons (p < 0.0001) in the lake; a comparative analysis of Lake Poyang and its tributaries showed significant differences in chlorophyll a between the two ecosystems during the wet season but not during the dry and mid-dry seasons. During the wet season, the underwater light conditions were significantly elevated and water retention time increased substantially (25.5 d). In combination, these factors contributed to a significantly higher chlorophyll a concentration during the wet season than that during the dry and mid-dry seasons in the lake; the effect of nutrients on the phytoplankton was not obvious. The large variations in water retention time during the three seasons indicated that Lake Poyang has the combined characteristics of a river and a lake. The short retention times during the dry and mid-dry seasons produced no difference in chlorophyll a between the lake and its tributaries, whereas the long retention time during the wet season facilitated phytoplankton growth in the lake. ces facteurs a contribué à une augmentation significative de la concentration en chlorophylle a pendant la saison des pluies ; l'effet des nutriments sur le phytoplancton n'était pas évident. Les grandes variations dans le temps de rétention de l'eau au cours des trois saisons impliquent que le lac Poyang combine les caractéristiques d'une rivière et d'un lac. Les temps de rétention courts pendant les saisons sèche et mi-sèche n'entraînent aucune différence en chlorophylle a entre le lac et ses affluents, tandis que le temps de rétention long pendant la saison des pluies facilite la croissance du phytoplancton dans le lac.