OBJECTIVES The goal of this study was to compare the rate of dosing errors for antibiotic orders in pediatric patients before and after the implementation of an antibiotic standard dosing table with precalculated dosage for different weight ranges at a tertiary care hospital. METHODS A retrospective study of 300 antibiotic prescriptions for pediatric patients in three different settings (ambulatory care, inpatient, and emergency department) at a tertiary care hospital assessed the appropriateness of antibiotic dosing. The need for an antibiotic dosing standardization policy was identified after finding that more than 30% of patients experienced a dose variation of ±10% of the recommended daily dose. An antibiotic dosing standardization policy was implemented with an antibiotic standard dosing table for different weight ranges, and a hospital wide-education program was conducted to increase awareness of this new practice and its benefits. Three months after implementation, a random sampling of 300 antibiotic prescriptions collected from the same settings as the pre-intervention period was evaluated for compliance with the new policy and its effect on the number of antibiotic dosing errors. RESULTS Six hundred prescriptions were included in this study (300 in the pre-implementation phase and 300 in the post-implementation phase). Patient characteristics were similar in both groups in terms of sex, age, and weight. Physician compliance with the antibiotic dosing standardization policy after its implementation was 62%. The dosing standardization policy reduced the rate of dosing errors from 34.3% to 5.06% (p=0.0001), and weight documentation on the antibiotic prescription improved from 65.8% to 85.7% (p=0.0001). CONCLUSIONS Implementation of an antibiotic dosing standardization policy significantly reduced the incidence of dosing errors in antibiotics prescribed for pediatric patients in our hospital.INDEx TERMS antibiotic dosing, dose rounding, dosing errors, dosing standardization, medication safety, pediatrics J Pediatr Pharmacol Ther 2013;18(3):220-226