The problem of the precession of the orbital planes of Jupiter and Saturn under the influence of mutual gravitational perturbations was formulated and solved using a simple dynamical model. Using the Gauss method, the planetary orbits are modeled by material circular rings, intersecting along the diameter at a small angle α. The planet masses, semimajor axes and inclination angles of orbits correspond to the rings. What is new is that each ring has an angular momentum equal to the orbital angular momentum of the planet. Contrary to popular belief, it was proved that the orbital resonance 5 : 2 does not preclude the use of the ring model. Moreover, the period of averaging of the disturbing force (T ≈ 1332 yr) proves to be appreciably greater than a conventionally used period (≈900 yr). The mutual potential energy of rings and the torque of gravita tional forces between the rings were calculated. We compiled and solved the system of differential equations for the spatial motion of rings. It was established that a perturbing torque causes the precession and simulta neous rotation of the orbital planes of Jupiter and Saturn. Moreover, the opposite orbit nodes on the Laplace plane coincide and perform a secular movement in retrograde direction with the same velocity of 25.6′′/yr and the period yr. These results are close to those obtained in the general theory (25.93′′/yr), which confirms the adequacy of the developed model. It was found that the vectors of the angular velocity of orbital rings move counterclockwise over circular cones and describe circles on the celestial sphere with radii β 1 ≈ 0.8403504° (Saturn) and β 2 ≈ 0.3409296° (Jupiter) around the point which is located at an angular dis tance of 1.647607° from the ecliptic pole.