“…A decrease in D for large excitation powers indicates enhanced photobleaching, i.e., low photostability, because the fl uorescent molecules turn dark prior leaving the observation spot ( 30 ). Here, all analogs except the NBD-Chol showed a satisfactory performance for excitation powers of up to 40 W, while in the case of NBD-Chol, values of transit times had already dropped off at values of 5-10 W. In a nutshell, only TF-Chol, Star512-PEG-Chol, and especially KK114-PEG-Chol were suitable for FCS measurements, while fi lipin III, dansyl-Chol, and the NBD-labeled probes For DHE and TF-Chol, and also for Chol, it has been shown that part of the sterol transport between the plasma membrane and the ERC takes place by a nonvesicular mechanism ( 67,68 ). This transport mode requires fast trans-bilayer migration of the sterol, and indeed, the majority of DHE and CTL has been shown to reside after membrane labeling on the inner leafl et of the plasma membrane ( 69 ).…”