“…I G U R E 5 Weightage of different impact categories [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com] T A B L E 3 Identified hotspots, their position and impact breakdown Hotspot no. Hotspot type and position Impact breakdown References 1 Plant cultivation methods, at farm Land and resource use, electricity, heat and gas use, and irrigation methods Castellani et al (2017), Roy et al (2009), Noya et al (2018) 2 Fertiliser application, at farm Acidification of soil, ecotoxicity, trapped nitrogen and phosphorus in soil Van Holderbeke et al (2004), Camanzi et al (2017) 3 Land use and transformation, at farm Area occupied and nutritional value of land Roy et al (2009), Castellani et al at packaging Type of material used for packaging (polyethylene or cardboard) and their emission profile, that is, recycled or nonrecycled Ingrao et al (2015), Notarnicola et al (2017) 8 Fuel combustion, at transport Electric, semi-electric or non-electric vehicles used, and distance transported Ingrao et al (2015), Noya et al Alignment of identified hotspots with science-based methods for improved environmental performance Cultivation practices can be recorded through THESIS survey including the water usage, and PGT can help in improving the cultivation methods by providing farming alternatives and access to low emission agricultural techniques(Carpio-Aguilar et al, 2019; Hub, 2021;Searcy et al, 2017;Walmart, …”