By combining the van der Waals' equation of state and the Free Length Theory of Jacobson, a new theoretical model is developed for the prediction of internal pressure of pure liquids and liquid mixtures. It requires only the molar volume data in addition to the ratio of heat capacities and critical temperature. The proposed model is simple, reliably accurate and capable of predicting internal pressure of pure liquids with an average absolute deviation of 4.24% in the predicted internal pressure values compared to those given in literature. The average absolute deviation in the predicted internal pressure values through the proposed model for the five binary liquid mixtures tested varies from 0.29% to 1.9% when compared to those of literature values.
Keywords:van der Waals; pressure of liquids; theory of Jacobson; capacity of heat liquids; equation of Srivastava and Berkowitz
INTRODUTIONThe importance of internal pressure in understanding the properties of liquids and the full potential of internal pressure as a structural probe did become apparent with the pioneering work of Hildebrand 1, 2 and the first review of the subject by Richards 3 appeared in 1925. In an excellent article Dack 4 reviewed the importance of solvent internal pressure and cohesion to solution phenomena. A review on the relationship between the intermolecular forces and properties of solution was made by Kortum 5 . Barton 6 discussed the relationship between internal pressure and molar volume in some depth. Pointing out that internal pressure is a uniquely important parameter in sonochemistry, Srivastava and Berkowitz 7 developed an expression, which permits the evaluation of internal pressure from readily available and easily measurable quantities. In this work a simple equation is proposed by incorporating the Free Length Theory of Jacobson 8,9 and van der Waals' equation of state; the proposed model is a purely predictive tool for predicting internal pressure of liquids and liquid mixtures. Computed internal pressure values for liquids and liquid mixtures through the proposed equation are compared with those of literature.