Algae are divided into microalgae and macroalgae (seaweed) both of them give novel potential in production of bioplastics. They may be planktonic, submerged in the water column (phytoplankton) and benthic (epilithic, epiphytic and epizoic). They were found as aquatic, subaerial and submerged in fresh, brackish and marine environment. They can withstand a wide variety of temperature, pH, turbidity, and nutrient levels, and have a great tolerance for other extreme environmental conditions. (Zaher and Helal, 2020). So, large numbers of subaerial algae were found to live on land (HobAllah et al., 2019). Some algae species are eco-friendly organisms that able to produce effective beneficial compounds so, they may be used as alternatives in bioeconomy. Recently, certain algae species have a potential in production of bioplastics (Hempel et al., 2011).