This paper addresses the unified aeroelastic and flight dynamics characterization of lowspeed slender-wing aircraft, including free-wake effects and aerodynamic interference. An analysis framework is presented that targets the prediction of stability and handling qualities of high-altitude long-endurance vehicles, which are prone to experience large wing excursions, leading to an inherently nonlinear and coupled problem between aerodynamics, elasticity and flight dynamics. In this work, the structural dynamics are based on a geometrically-exact composite beam model, discretized using displacement-based finite elements, and cast into an extended flexible-body dynamics model. The aerodynamic model is defined by a general unsteady vortex lattice method. The governing equations of motion of the integrated system are formulated in a tightly-coupled state-space form, which allows for the equations to be solved simultaneously. Verification of the model has been carried out for static and dynamic problems, including both rigid and flexible wings. Numerical studies are presented for the particular case of prescribed rigid-body motions, paying special attention to the likely interference between wake and tail. Results show that the current approach represents a suitable alternative for configuration analysis of flexible atmospheric vehicles, offering a good balance between degree of fidelity and computational cost. Nomenclature a = body-attached (global) reference frame p Δ = pressure jump across aerodynamic panel * , kl kl a a = aerodynamic influence coefficients R = beam local position vector B = deformed (local) reference frame s = arc length along reference line b = undeformed (local) reference frame t = physical time b Δ = spanwise dimension of aerodynamic panel V = beam local translational velocity Ba C = coordinate transformation matrix from a to B V ∞ = free-stream velocity c Δ = chordwise dimension of aerodynamic panel v = translational velocity of the a frame G = inertial (ground) frame of reference k v = downwash b w K ,K = number of bound and wake vortex-rings considered w = normal component of the non-vortical induced velocity K ,k = current and initial beam local curvatures X = coordinates on aerodynamic lattice p = position of the a frame with respect to G x = state vector Greek letters Γ = circulation strength Ω = beam local angular velocity γ = beam local force strain ω = angular velocity of the a frame ζ = quaternions Ψ = Cartesian Rotation Vector κ = beam local moment strain 2 Subscripts A = aerodynamic R = rigid-body b = bound, corresponding to lifting surface S = structural , , i j k = chordwise, spanwise and total panel counters w = wake Superscripts * • = corresponding to wake • = cross-product operator • = derivatives with time, t • = vector magnitude ′ • = derivatives with the curvilinear coordinate, s