Introduction: Common cold is a viral infection of upper respiratory tract, caused by over 200 strains of viruses, mainly rhinoviruses, coronaviruses, adenoviruses and rotaviruses. The common cold is the most frequent infection among the human population and is responsible for up to 20% of all medical visits in developed countries. Despite this fact, no vaccine nor cure currrently exists. In recent years a number of studies have been published, describing effects of zinc supplementation on reduction of a duration of a common cold.
Aim of the study: A summary of the current state of knowledge, treatment efficacy and future possibilities regarding the use of zinc during the common cold.
Methods and materials: A review of the available literature on PubMed database, using keywords: „common cold”, „zinc supplementation”, „viral infection”
Results: Usage of zinc in appropriate dose during common cold leads to shortening the duration of an infection, as well as reducing severity of symptoms. Zinc supplementation has also a documented effect on decresing risk of viral infection.
Conculusions: Common cold, while being the most frequent viral infection among human population in developed world, leads to serious socioeconomic consequences. Therefore any aid in shortening the duration of this illness is much needed. Since zinc supplements have a documented positive effect on the speed of healing during acute viral infections and do not carry a significant number of side effects, they can be successfully used to treat the common cold.