The percentages of total airflows over the nasal respiratory and olfactory epithelium of female rabbits were calculated from computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations of steady-state inhalation. These airflow calculations, along with nasal airway geometry determinations, are critical parameters for hybrid CFD/physiologically based pharmacokinetic models that describe the nasal dosimetry of water-soluble or reactive gases and vapors in rabbits. CFD simulations were based upon threedimensional computational meshes derived from magnetic resonance images of three adult female New Zealand White (NZW) rabbits. In the anterior portion of the nose, the maxillary turbinates of rabbits are considerably more complex than comparable regions in rats, mice, monkeys, or humans. This leads to a greater surface area to volume ratio in this region and thus the potential for increased extraction of water soluble or reactive gases and vapors in the anterior portion of the nose compared to many other species. Although there was considerable interanimal variability in the fine structures of the nasal turbinates and airflows in the anterior portions of the nose, there was remarkable consistency between rabbits in the percentage of total inspired airflows that reached the ethmoid turbinate region (~50%) that is presumably lined with olfactory epithelium. These latter results (airflows reaching the ethmoid turbinate region) were higher than previous published estimates for the male F344 rat (19%) and human (7%). These differences in regional airflows can have significant implications in interspecies extrapolations of nasal dosimetry.Nasal tissues can be a target for a variety of volatile compounds following inhalation exposures. The potential for and regional distribution of nasal lesions generally reflect species differences in the distribution of specific epithelial cell types, metabolic capacity, nasal mucociliary apparatus, and intranasal airflow patterns (Harkema, 1990;Morgan & Monticello, 1990). Appropriately extrapolating the "dose" to target tissues observed in nasal airways of animals used in inhalation toxicity studies to humans must therefore factor these and potentially other differences in anatomy and physiology to improve human health risk assessments. As a result, three-dimensional computational fluid dynamic (CFD) models of the nasal airways of the male F344 rat, rhesus monkey, and human were developed to improve estimates of species-specific localized dosimetry in nasal tissues (Kimbell et al., 1993(Kimbell et al., , 1997 Kepler et al., 1998;Subramaniam et al., 1998). These models have since been linked with physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) models to include systemic distribution of several volatile organic chemicals and their metabolites (Andersen et al., , 2000Bush et al., 1998;.Since methyl iodide (MeI) has been proposed as a non-stratospheric ozone-depleting pre-plant soil fumigant, it has undergone extensive inhalation toxicity testing. In several of these studies, nasal irritation and thyr...