Achatina fulica is a global agricultural pest affecting subtropical and tropical areas including India. Nowadays using natural molluscicides for snail control is considered to be the most pragmatic approach.The aim of this study was to assess the molluscicidal potential of clove oil against this pestiferous land snail. Clove oil was topically administered to the snails and its toxicity was found to be time and concentration dependent up to three days of exposure exhibiting a significant negative correlation. Thus LD 50 values (%) decreased from 7.965 (24 hrs) to 5.157 (48 hrs) to 3.916 at (72 hrs) and remained the same i.e. 3.916 at (96hrs). The effects of sub lethal concentrations (20% and 60% of LD 50 /24 hrs) were also observed on the histology of various tissues like ovotestis, hepatopancreas, gut represented by (Oesophagus, crop, stomach, and intestine) and foot. Control group snails exhibited normal histology of all the tissues, those in the vehicle treated group had histology close to normal, whereas those exposed to sublethal doses exhibited damages almost proportional to the dose administered, in all the tissues studied.Thus it can be concluded that clove oil obtained from plants is toxic to the snail and can help to control its population.