from carriers among personnel, primarily nurses, in close contact with pediatric patients in a hospital, preferably by utilizing some therapeutic agent easily and conveniently usable by the nurse herself. The PEP types are the 6 epidemic phage types which have been etiologic agents in outbreaks of staphylococcal infections in many parts of the world and are phage Types 80; 80/81; 52/52A/80/81 or 52/80/81; 52/52A/80 or 52/80; 52A/79, and 53/77/83. In the s t u d y reported here we have been interested primarily in attempting to reduce, by means of an antibiotic nasal spray, the incidence of the PEP types in nasopharynges of carriers as indicated by results of cultures of swabbings of their nasopharynges. In previous reports certain investigators studying the staphylococcal problem have applied various combinations of antibiotics Downloaded From: by a Oakland University User on 06/12/2015