Background: We aimed to demonstrate the effects of tumor treating fields (TTFields) in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) cells when combined with radiotherapy (RT) and chemotherapy.Methods: Two human HNSCC cell lines (Cal27, FaDu) received five different treatments: TTFields, RT +/À TTFields and RT + simultaneous cisplatin +/À TTFields. Effects were quantified using clonogenic assays and flow cytometric analyses of DAPI, caspase-3 activation and γH2AX foci. Results: Treatment with RT + TTFields decreased the clonogenic survival as strong as treatment with RT + simultaneous cisplatin. The triple combination of RT + simultaneous cisplatin + TTFields even further decreased the clonogenic survival. Accordingly, combination of TTFields with RT or RT + simultaneous cisplatin increased cellular apoptosis and DNA double-strand breaks. Conclusion: TTFields therapy seems a promising combination partner in the multimodal treatment of locally advanced HNSCC. It could be used to intensify chemoradiotherapy or as alternative to chemotherapy. K E Y W O R D S chemoradiotherapy, head and neck cancer, radiotherapy, squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck, tumor treating fields