Effective treatment of cutaneous and subcutaneous malignant tumours by electrochemotherapy LM Mir', LF Glass23, G Sersa4, J Teissi65, C Domenge6, D Miklavdid7, MJ Jaroszeski38, S Orlowski9, DS Reintgen38, Z Rudolf4, M Belehradek6, R Gilbertl0, M-P Rols5, J Belehradek Jr', JM Bachaud", R DeConti23, B Stabuc4, M Cemazar4, P Coninx'2 and R Heller38 The application of electric pulses to the patients was safe and well tolerated. An instantaneous contraction of the underlying muscles was noticed. Minimal adverse side-effects were observed. ECT was shown to be an effective local treatment. ECT was effective regardless of the histological type of the tumour. Therefore, ECT offers an approach to the treatment of cutaneous and subcutaneous tumours in patients with minimal adverse side-effects and with a high response rate.