Biliverdin and bilirubin are naturally-occurring tetrapyrrolic bile pigments containing two propionic acid side chains. These side chains, and their propensity for ionization, are critical in the biological disposition of the pigments. Surprisingly, accurate dissociation constants for the propionic acid groups of biliverdin are unknown, and a wide range of values, extending over some 4 orders of magnitude, has been suggested for the K a values of the propionic acid groups of bilirubin in aqueous solutions. Recently, pK a values of 6.7-9.3 have been reported for bilirubin-values much greater than the value of ϳ5 typical of propionic acid groups. These curiously high values, currently being used to explain the biological transport and metabolism of bilirubin and related compounds, have been attributed to intramolecular hydrogen bonding. We have determined the pK a values of 99% Bilirubin and biliverdin are blue-green and yellow-orange pigments formed from heme during normal metabolism in humans and other animals (1, 2). Like heme, biliverdin and bilirubin have two propionic acid groups and low solubility in water (1-3). The acidity constants of bilirubin have been determined many times during the past 40 years (4 -13), but those of heme and biliverdin have not been measured (3). A mean pK a of ϳ5.3 has been predicted for porphyrin dicarboxylic acids (14), and pK a values of ϳ5.0 and ϳ7.2 have been estimated for biliverdin (3). A wide range of pK a values has been reported for bilirubin, with most investigators favoring a pK a of 6.2 to 6.5 (15), but recent determinations suggest that the true pK a values are even higher (6.8 to Ն 9.3) because of intramolecular hydrogen bonding (11,12). Since most carboxylic acid pK a values are ϳ5 and values Ͼ6 are seldom encountered (16 -18), these recent determinations imply a remarkable and unprecedented effect of intramolecular hydrogen bonding on proton dissociation. To investigate this effect, we have used 13 C NMR to study the dissociation of hydrogen-bonded and non-hydrogen-bonded pyrrolic acids and to determine the pK a values of mesobilirubin-XIII␣ (1) and mesobiliverdin-XIII␣ (2), two synthetic surrogates that differ from bilirubin and biliverdin, respectively, only by trivial differences in the nature, i.e. vinyl groups reduced to ethyl, and sequence of alkyl side chains on the lactam rings. Being remote from the propionic acid side chains, the alkyl substituents on the lactam rings are expected