Cell growth and the effect of some drugs on cells can be evaluated by traditional morphological observation methods or by biological technology.However, to perform these experiments, complex instruments and professionals are always required.Recent studies indicated that electrochemical methods, such as CV, scanning electrochemical microscopy, electric impedance and oxygen electrode, could also provide useful information on the living cell because the cell viability has positive relation with its electrode behavior.
1-4As a plant steroid produced by secondary metabolism, diosgenin shows many important biological functions in plants and animals, acting as a regulator of developmental and physiological processes in animal system.
5It is also widely used to synthesize new steroidal drugs. 6 Recently, some studies have concerned its utilization in cancer therapy. 7 However, to our knowledge, few reports about the effect of diosgenin on the breast cancer cells can be found in the literature.Potential stripping analysis, first introduced by Jagner and Granile in 1976, is a highly sensitive electroanalysis technology including two steps: (1) preconcentration of the analyte by electrodeposition; and (2) stripping of the analyte by an appropriate oxidant. 8 It has been applied to metal analysis and bioanalysis. 9,10 In this work, electrochemical methods, i.e., potentiometric stripping analysis (PSA) and cyclic voltammetry (CV), were used to investigate the electrochemical behavior of breast cancer cells and to evaluate the influence of diosgenin on the viability and proliferation of breast cancer cells. Trypan Blue dyeing tests were also employed to verify the results obtained by PSA.
ChemicalsDiosgenin was from the Institute of Life Science and Technology of Hunan University. A stock solution of 1.0 × 10 -2 M diosgenin was prepared with ethanol and diluted to desired concentrations with water. Phosphate buffer solution (PBS) composed of 136.7 mM NaCl, 2.7 mM KCl, 9.7 mM Na2HPO4 and 1.5 mM KH2PO4 was used as the background electrolyte in all experiments. Other chemicals are of analytical grade.
InstrumentationAll electrochemical measurements were performed at a CHI 660A electrochemical analyzer (Chenhua Company, China) by applying a three-electrode system, with a graphite electrode (0.45 cm 2 ) as working electrode, platinum as counter electrode and Ag/AgCl electrode as reference electrode.
Cell culture and cell treatmentBreast cancer cell line MCF-7 was kindly provided by Dr. K. Q. Deng (Institute of Life Science and Technology of Hunan University) and was routinely cultured in RPMI-1640 medium (Invitrogen Corporation) + 10% fetal bovine serum (Sigma) + 0.05 mg mL -1 gentamicin (Sigma) + 100 U mL -1 penicillin (Sigma) at 37˚C in a CO2 incubator containing 5% CO2.After the breast cancer cells were cultured for five days, they were collected by trypsinization with 0.05% (v/v) trypsin (Sigma) and centrifugation at 1200 rpm for 10 min, and then suspended in PBS. It should be mentioned that PBS-containing cells s...