This article explores the role of population health intervention research (PHIR) in enhancing health promotion in France, stressing the importance of a more in-depth understanding and thorough analysis of healthcare interventions. Established in 2022, the So-RISP network aims to structure the PHIR field, consolidating expertise from renowned teams specializing in PHIR, primary cancer prevention, and addiction. In January 2023, So-RISP members convened a national workshop. The workshop aimed to share the specificities of PHIR and particularly to clarify the use of theories in PHIR. A qualitative analysis of this workshop was conducted to aid in building a shared and well-defined knowledge base for PHIR stakeholders. Results highlight the necessity of developing a unified terminology and increasing reflexivity among PHIR stakeholders for enhanced effectiveness. The article also identifies key challenges, including the need for interdisciplinary collaboration, facilitating social transformation, and integrating various contexts in intervention analysis.