The title compounds were prepared by reaction of the elemental components. Of these Sc 5 Bi 3 is a new compound. Its orthorhombic b-Yb 5 Sb 3 type crystal structure was determined from single-crystal X-ray data: Pnma, a = 1124.4(1) pm, b = 888.6(1) pm, c = 777.2(1) pm, R = 0.024 for 1140 structure factors and 44 variable parameters. For the other compounds we have established the crystal structures. ZrBi has ZrSb type structure with a noticeable homogeneity range. This structure type was also found for the low temperature (a) form of HfSb and for HfBi. For a-HfSb this structure was refined from single-crystal X-ray data: Cmcm, a = 377.07(4) pm, b = 1034.7(1) pm, c = 1388.7(1) pm, R = 0.043 for 432 F values and 22 variables. HfBi 2 has TiAs 2 type structure: Pnnm, a = 1014.2(2) pm, b = 1563.9(3) pm, c = 396.7(1) pm. The structure was refined from single-crystal data to a residual of R = 0.074 for 1038 F values and 40 variables. In addition, a zirconium bismuthide, possibly stabilized by light impurity elements X and crystallizing with the hexagonal Mo 5 Si 3 C 1±x type structure, was observed: Zr 5 Bi 3 X 1±x , a = 873.51(6) pm, c = 599.08(5) pm. The positions of the heavy atoms of this structure were refined from X-ray powder film data. Various aspects of impurity stabilization of intermetallics are discussed. 1034,7(1) pm, c = 1388,7(1) pm, R = 0,043 fu È r 432 F-Werte und 22 Variable. HfBi 2 ist mit TiAs 2 isotyp: Pnnm, a = 1014,2(2) pm, b = 1563,9(3) pm, c = 396,7(1) pm. Die Struktur wurde anhand von Einkristalldaten verfeinert. Es blieb ein Restwert von R = 0,074 fu È r 1038 F-Werte und 40 Variable. Auûerdem wurde ein Zirkoniumwismutid erhalten, das mo È glicherweise durch Verunreinigung mit leichten Elementen X stabilisiert ist und mit der hexagonalen Mo 5 Si 3 C 1±x -Struktur kristallisiert: Zr 5 Bi 3 X 1±x , a = 873,51(6) pm, c = 599,08(5) pm. Die Schweratom-Positionen dieser Struktur wurden durch Ro È ntgen-Guinier-Filmdaten verfeinert. Einige Gesichtspunkte zur Frage der Stabilisierung intermetallischer Phasen durch Verunreinigungen werden diskutiert.