In conditions of fierce competition in the market of mining and metallurgical products the need to reduce its cost, which is achievable through optimization power consumption. One way to solve this problem, in conditions transformation of industrial clusters and technology development 4.0, is energy optimization through the development of digital production models processes based on functional dependencies of power consumption on design, kinematic and dynamic parameters of equipment, as well as characteristics of processed raw materials. To solve this problem on the developed physical model of hammer crusher studies have been conducted to determine the power spent on crushing the coal charge and overcoming the resistance rotation of its rotor from a dusty coal atmosphere, and a check was also performed the adequacy of existing analytical dependencies to calculate appropriate energy costs. As a result of studies, it was found that the discrepancy between calculated and experimental values does not exceed 6 ... 11%, also a correction factor is determined that takes into account the influence of the grate on calculated power.