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AbstractThis thesis is concerned with the development o f single-processor embedded systems in which there are requirements for both low CPU energy consumption and low levels of task jitter. The focus o f the work is on ways in which dynamic voltage scaling (DVS) techniques can be incorporated in simple time-triggered scheduling algorithms in order to meet these constraints.Following a review o f previous work in this area, a presentation is made which illustrates the impact o f a naive application o f DVS in a system incorporating a timetriggered co-operative (TTC) scheduler. Novel algorithms (TTC-jDVS, TTC-jDVS2) are then introduced which more successfully integrate TTC and DVS techniques. These algorithms involve: (i) changes to system timer settings when the frequency is altered; (ii) use o f a form o f "sandwich delay" to reduce the impact o f changes to the scheduler overhead which arise as a result o f frequency changes, and (iii) execution of jitter-sensitive tasks at a fixed operating frequency.The impact o f these algorithms on both jitter and energy consumption is illustrated empirically on a representative hardware platform, using both "dummy" task sets and a more realistic case study.In designs for which low jitter is an important consideration, at least a limited degree of task pre-emption may be required. A simple time-triggered hybrid (TTH) sched uler can be used to achieve such behaviour. A novel TTH scheduling algorithm (TTH-jDVS) is presented and evaluated, again through use o f dummy task sets and a case study.The third piece o f experimental work presented in this thesis illustrates that -in situations where minimal jitter is required -hardware support is required. To illus trate the potential o f such an approach a final case study is employed.The thesis concludes by making suggestions for further work in this important area.