This paper proposes a preliminary design tool for active power filters’ (APFs) solutions to be applied in offshore oil and gas platforms, where power quality indices are typically low, and reactive power compensation and current harmonic mitigation are often desired. The proposed approach considers that APF selection and rating is a trade-off between performance and size, and that both component and system aspects need to be optimized to achieve a well-tailored solution. As size and weight are critical constraints in offshore applications, possible benefits of using Silicon Carbide (SiC) switches for the APF implementation are investigated. Moreover, different compensation strategies are compared, varying the connection point of the APF between two different voltage levels and assigning the APFs different compensation goals. Improvements in power quality indices, as well as APFs rating, number of components, power losses, and filter size, have been considered for both SiC and Silicon-based solutions to identify the best trade-offs suitable for the considered, energy intensive industrial application.