When Voyager 2 was near 11 AU, the counting rate of nuclei N 75 MeV/nucleon decreased during the interval from July, 1982 to November, 1982, and it increased thereafter until August, 1983. The counting rate fluctuated within this I'minicycle" with short term decreases lasting 1 to 4 days and recoveries lasting several days. A decrease in cosmic ray flux was generally associated with the passage of an "interaction region" in which the magnetic field strength B was higher than that predicted by the spiral field model, Bp . Several large enhancements in B/B p were associated with "merged interaction regions" which probably resulted from the interaction of two or more distinct flows. During the passage of interaction regions the cosmic ray intensity decreased at a rate proportional to (B/Bp -1), and during the passage of rarefaction regions (where B/B p < 1) the cosmic ray intensity increased at a constant rate. The general form of the cosmic ray intensity profile during this s 13 month I'minicycle" can be described by integrating these relations using the observed B(t), and it can be understood in terms of the sizes and separations of interaction regions. Latitudinal variations of the interaction regions and of the short-term cosmic ray variations were identified by comparing Voyager 2 observations with Voyager 1 observations made at higher latitudes O V to 200 ). The interaction regions were turbulent, with an f -5/3 spectrum from at least 3 x 10 -4 Hz to f 0 to 2) x 10 -6 Hz. A break in the spectrum at f corresponds to the characteristic width of the interaction regions, and it represents a "stirring scale" for the solar wind. The interaction regions, including merged interaction regions, may be viewed as "turbulent boundary layers" which grow in size with increasing distance from the sun.They act as barriers which impede the net flow of cosmic rays toward the sun.2