This study describes responses of 172 single heterosexual African American men, ages 18-35, to condom negotiation attempts. Strategies used included reward, coercive, legitimate, expert, referent, and informational strategies, based on Raven's (1992) influence model. The purpose was: 1) to identify strategies influencing participant acquiescence to request, and 2) to identify predictors of participant compliance/refusal to comply with negotiation attempts. Participants viewed six videotape segments showing an actress, portrayed in silhouette, speaking to the viewer as a 'steady partner'. After each segment, participants completed measures of: request compliance, positive and negative affect, and attributions concerning the model and themselves. No significant differences were found in men's ratings across all vignettes. However, differences in response existed across subgroups of individuals, suggesting that while the strategy used had little impact on participant response, the act of suggesting condom use produced responses that differed across participant subgroups. Subgroups differed on levels of AIDS risk knowledge, STD history, and experience with sexual coercion. Also, the "least-willing-to-use" subgroup was highest in anger/rejection and least likely to make attributions of caring for partner. Effective negotiation of condom use with a male sexual partner may not be determined as much by specific strategy used as by partner characteristics.Interventions to assist persons in reducing risk for HIV infection have drawn upon a number of behavioral science theories, such as the Theory of Planned Behavior (Ajzen, 1991); social cognitive and self-efficacy theory (Bandura, 1988); the Information-Motivation-Behavior model (Fisher & Fisher, 1992); and the AIDS Risk Reduction Model (Catania, Kegeles, & Coates, 1990). Although these theories approach the issue of HIV risk behavior changes from different perspectives, they all posit that behavioral skills-including the ability to communicate condom use requests with sexual partners--are important determinants of success in risk reduction behavior change.State-of-the-art skills building interventions aimed at promoting HIV risk reduction behavior change have often emphasized the acquisition of sexual assertiveness, communication, and negotiation skills to be used with sexual partners. Methods often used to teach these skills