In this study, performance assessment of selected gas turbine power plants in Nigeria was evaluated using performance indices. The results of the study showed that for the period under review (2006)(2007)(2008)(2009)(2010), the percentage shortfalls from the target energy in the selected power plants range from 26.33% to 86.61% as against the acceptable value of 5-10%. The capacity factor of the selected power plants varies from 16.88% to 73.67% as against the international value of 50-80%. The plant use factor varies from 45.89% to 97.03% and the utilization factor varies from 6.31% to 93.074% as against the international best practice of over 95%. From this result, it can be concluded that the generating units were underutilized. This is due to inadequate routine maintenance and equipment fault development. The analyses of reliability indicators revealed that the mean time between failures varies from 5.42 to 378.44 h, the mean time to repair varies from 18.3 to 153.88 h and the plant availability varies from 12.86% to 91.31% as against the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers recommended standard of 99.9%. Evaluation of operating figures of the selected power plants revealed that starting reliability (SR) and operating reliability vary from 71.95% to 93.9% and 5.33% to 55%, respectively. The SR of the selected power plants is low in value compared with standard value of 99.9%. The statistical analysis carried out on plant availability revealed that at 95% confidence level; there is a significant difference in availability of the selected power plants. This indicates differences in their systems installation, operation and maintenance. The performance indicator developed to evaluate the performance indices for the selected stations can also be applicable to other power stations in Nigeria and elsewhere. Measures to improve the performance indices of the plants have been suggested in this paper.