Techniques and instruments for adenoidectomy have considerably changed over the years. With the introduction in Otolaryngology of power-assisted instruments for endoscopic sinus surgery, the classic adenoidectomy performed with curette or adenotome has evolved, with an improved patients' outcome and a better satisfaction of the surgeon. The purpose of this article is to describe and critically analyze the literature reports about different methods of power-assisted adenoidectomy. We performed a literature search (Medline) to identify all available reports. We discussed the surgical techniques and reviewed advantages and disadvantages of each method. The techniques can be schematically divided in non-endoscopic, usually performed with a laryngeal mirror, and endoscopic-assisted. The endoscopic control can be obtained either trans-nasally or trans-orally, as well as the microdebrider can be inserted in the nasal cavity or maneuvered through the oral cavity. Some authors reported the usage of the power-assisted instruments in performing the entire adenoidectomy; while, according with other authors, the microdebrider can be used as a step of the surgical procedure, for a combined adenoidectomy. In conclusion, all the methods seem to be safe and effective, and the personal experience of the surgeon should guide the choice of the instruments. However, we personally consider the endoscopic techniques as the most suitable, and among these the Transoral Endonasal-Controlled Combined Adenoidectomy (TECCA) should be considered as the most ergonomic technique to perform a power-assisted adenoidectomy.