Simple bracing frames can be divided into two types in terms of concentric or eccentric. Concentric bracing frames are frames that intersect with other structural members at one point in the structure along the bracing members. Otherwise, the braced frame will be eccentric. It is said empirically that due to this type of shaping, eccentric bracing frames exhibit more ductile behavior and concentric bracing frames exhibit more stiff behavior. This behavioral difference caused this study to be numerically computing for five frames, including unique concentric and eccentric bracing frames of 5 and 10 stories and an ordinary 5-story concentric bracing frame. Their tensions and drift ratios should be acceptable for the use of residential buildings. Using the primary two steps of the new PEER probabilistic framework, namely, probabilistic seismic hazard analysis and structural analysis, which leads to the drawing of fragility curves, the probability of collapse is obtained to compare the safety capability of these frames according to their different characteristics against earthquakes. The results show that increasing the ductility or increasing the number of floors or the height of these systems can reduce collapse. Also, according to the results of the probability of collapse obtained in frames with 5-story concentric bracing frames, it can be said that some of the current regulations, which work based on previous approaches of analysis, can lead to unsafe structures with a high probability of collapse.