It should come as no surprise, following after the first virtual issue on polymorphism (, that the Editor has chosen absolute structure ( as the topic for this year's effort. The unambiguous determination of absolute structure, particularly where the absolute configuration of an enantiomerically pure chiral molecule is needed, is important not only for synthetic and natural-product chemists, who wish to fully characterize their products, but can be a critical step for the pharmaceutical industry, where opposite enantiomers of a drug can have quite different biological properties. One should also mention those crystal engineers endeavouring to prepare non-centrosymmetric crystals for applications such as second-harmonic generation.A major impetus in enabling the study of absolute structure has been the advent of dual radiation CCD diffractometers. This means that more laboratories have routine access to Cu K radiation with the potential to successfully study light-atom structures. The latter have been viewed as one of the remaining difficulties in this field. This virtual issue has the ambition to present the results of crystal-structure determinations which demonstrate new successes and remaining limitations in absolute-structure evaluation.Historically, the determination of absolute structure started on the wrong foot with Friedel (1913) who, by a false argument using optics and crystal symmetry, managed to prove that the intensities of the reflections hkl and hkl are always identical, regardless of the point group of the crystal. The effects of this unfortunate mistake are still felt today in the teaching of diffraction by crystals, as Friedel's Law is often presented and used as a fundamental principle whereas it is no more than an approximation, which often does not need to be invoked. Resonant scattering was predicted theoretically by Waller (1928). The first determination of absolute structure by X-ray diffraction appeared as a byproduct of a carefully contrived experiment by Coster et al. (1930) to demonstrate the existence of resonant scattering. Coster et al. (1930) used a crystal of hexagonal ZnS (zincblende), which is non-centrosymmetric and achiral, in an experiment with Au L radiation. The latter has a wavelength corresponding to the K absorption edge of Zn which falls between the Au L 1 and Au L 2 lines. The first chemical application of absolute-structure determination by X-ray diffraction was published by Peerdeman et al. (1951) and Bijvoet et al. (1951). They deduced the absolute configuration of the (2R,3R)-tartrate anion in its Na Rb salt. The modern developments of absolute-structure determination by least-squares refinement find their source in a paper by Rogers (1981). In 1984, Jones coined the term absolute structure. Your editorialist has published extensively in this field starting with the oft-quoted paper of Flack (1983).One has no choice in this editorial but to m...