Stumborg, C. and Schoenau, J. J. 2008. Evaluating phosphorus loading from repeated manure applications to two Saskatchewan soils. Can. J. Soil Sci. 88: 377Á387. An understanding of the impact of repeated manure additions on soil phosphorus (P) is needed to determine appropriate manure application rates for prairie soils and manure sources. The objective of this study was to assess the loading of manure-derived phosphorus using P budgets and soil P measurement techniques applied to two Saskatchewan soils with known histories of manure application. Liquid hog manure (LHM) and solid cattle manure (SCM) treatments were applied annually over 8 yr to Black Chernozemic soils (Dixon site), and LHM was applied to Dark Brown Chernozemic soils (Plenty site) over 6 yr. Soil samples were collected in the spring of 2003 and 2004 and analyzed for labile P (Modified Kelowna extractable, Olsen extractable, water extractable, and Plant Root Simulator exchange resin methods) and total P. The P budgets were in good agreement with the observed patterns in labile soil P at the two sites. The annual application of LHM (37 000 L ha Á1 yr
Á1) at agronomic nitrogen (N) rates with no additional P fertilizer (Dixon only) did not significantly elevate soil labile P compared with the unfertilized controls at both Dixon and Plenty. The annual application of SCM (7.6 Mg ha Á1 yr Á1 ) at agronomic N rates did not significantly elevate soil labile P compared with the unfertilized control at Dixon; whereas application of SCM at higher rates (15.2 Mg ha Á1 yr
Á1and 30.4 Mg ha Á1 yr Á1 ) showed some elevation in labile soil P. Measures of labile P were sensitive to P surpluses or deficits predicted by P balances, and all methods of measuring labile soil P were strongly correlated with one another at both sites (r ]0.803 at P50.01).Key words: Manure, cattle manure, nitrogen, phosphorus, soil test phosphorus Stumborg, C. et Schoenau, J. J. 2008. É valuation de la charge de phosphore re´sultant d'applications re´pe´te´es de fumier sur deux sols de la Saskatchewan. Can. J. Soil Sci. 88: 377Á387. Il faut comprendre l'impact de l'addition re´pe´te´e de fumier sur la concentration de phosphore (P) dans le sol si l'on veut e´tablir les taux d'application approprie´s pour cet amendement sur les sols des prairies en fonction des sources de fumier. L'e´tude devait e´valuer la charge de phosphore re´sultant du fumier ap artir du bilan du P et de techniques de mesure du P du sol sur deux sols de la Saskatchewan historiquement bonifie´s avec du fumier. Les auteurs ont applique´annuellement du lisier de porc (LP) et du fumier solide de bovins (FSB) a`des tchernozioms noirs (site Dixon) pendant 8 ans, ainsi que du LP a`des tchernozioms brun fonce´(site Plenty) pendant 6 ans. Le bilan du P concorde bien avec les tendances observe´es au niveau de la concentration de P labile aux deux sites. L'application de LP (37 000 L par hectare annuellement) aux taux d'application agronomiques de l'azote (N), sans ajout d'engrais P (site Dixon seulement), n'accroıˆt pas signific...