Small-angle neutron scattering (SANS)
and ultrasmall-angle neutron
scattering (USANS) are special and powerful tools to study micro-,
meso-, and macropores from 1 nm to 10 μm in size in disordered
systems. Neutron scattering measurements are often integrated with
fluid-invasion methods to provide a comprehensive understanding of
the pore space in shale. The first SANS study of shale samples was
dated back to the early 1980s. The interest was renewed around 2011,
and the number of studies that applied SANS/USANS spectra to shale
has increased rapidly during the past few years. Several key developments
in data analysis were noted in literature studies. In this mini review,
technical aspects of sample preparation and data analysis were discussed.
This paper offers a quick guide for those who are new to this field.