The experiment was conducted on a conventional direct injection diesel engine. Performance test was carried out to evaluate the performance and emission characteristics of a conventional diesel engine that operates on ethanol-diesel blends. The test procedure was performed by coupling the diesel engine on the eddy current dynamometer. Fuel consumption was measured using the AVL Fuel Balance, and a hotwire anemometer was used to measure the air consumption. Some of the emission test devices were mounted on the exhaust pipe. The test of fuel variations started from 100% diesel fuel (D100) to 2.5% (DE2.5), 5% (DE5), 7.5% (DE7.5), and 10% (DE10) ethanol additions. Performance test was conducted at 1500 rpm with load variations from 0 to 60 Nm by increasing the load on each level by 10 Nm. The addition of 5% ethanol to diesel (DE5) increased the average pressure of combustion chamber indication to 48% as well as reduced the specific fuel consumption to 9.5%. There were better exhaust emission characteristics at this mixture ratio than diesel engine which used pure diesel fuel (D100), the reduction of CO to 37%, HC to 44% and opacity to 15.9%.Key words: performance test, fuel supplement, bioethanol, emission, diesel engine. Kata kunci: uji prestasi, pencampur solar, etanol, emisi, motor diesel.
Eksperimen dilakukan pada motor diesel dengan sistem injeksi langsung (direct injection). Uji prestasi ini dilakukan guna melihat karakteristik prestasi dan emisi motor diesel konvensional terhadap penambahan etanol sebagai bahan bakar suplemen pada solar. Uji prestasi dilakukan dengan menempatkan motor uji pada perangkat