We consider the computational complexity of finding a legal black pebbling of a DAG G = (V, E) with minimum cumulative cost. A black pebbling is a sequence P0, . . . , Pt ⊆ V of sets of nodes which must satisfy the following properties: P0 = ∅ (we start off with no pebbles on G), sinks(G) ⊆ j≤t Pj (every sink node was pebbled at some point) and parents Pi+1\Pi ⊆ Pi (we can only place a new pebble on a node v if all of v's parents had a pebble during the last round). The cumulative cost of a pebbling P0, P1, . . . , Pt ⊆ V is cc(P ) = |P1| + . . . + |Pt|. The cumulative pebbling cost is an especially important security metric for data-independent memory hard functions, an important primitive for password hashing. Thus, an efficient (approximation) algorithm would be an invaluable tool for the cryptanalysis of password hash functions as it would provide an automated tool to establish tight bounds on the amortized space-time cost of computing the function. We show that such a tool is unlikely to exist in the most general case. In particular, we prove the following results.-It is NP-Hard to find a pebbling minimizing cumulative cost.-The natural linear program relaxation for the problem has integrality gapÕ(n), where n is the number of nodes in G. We conjecture that the problem is hard to approximate. -We show that a related problem, find the minimum size subset S ⊆ V such that depth(G−S) ≤ d, is also NP-Hard. In fact, under the Unique Games Conjecture there is no (2 − ǫ)-approximation algorithm.3 Because the data-dependencies in an iMHF are specified by a static graph, the induced memory access pattern does not depend on the secret input (e.g., password). This makes iMHFs resistant to side-channel attacks. Data-dependent memory hard functions (MHFs) like scrypt [Per09] are potentially easier to construct, but they are potentially vulnerable to cache-timing attacks.10 The specification of Argon2i has changed several times. We use Argon2i-A to refer to the version of Argon2i from the password hashing competition, and we use Argon2i-B to refer to the version that is currently being considered for standardization by the Cryptography Form Research Group (CFRG) of the IRTF[BDKJ16].