Abstract. The evaluation of the rehabilitation strategies implemented in the contaminated territories of the CIS countries affected by the accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant highlighted the need and importance to involve the population in the day-to-day management of the radiological situation, to complement the rehabilitation programme implemented by public authorities. The ETHOS experience in Belarus has revealed that to be effective and sustainable, this involvement must rely on the dissemination of a practical radiological protection culture within all sectors of the population and especially within professionals in charge of public health. The objective of the SAGE Project is to contribute to the development of strategies and guidance for implementing and disseminating such a culture in Western Europe, in case of a nuclear incident or accident with long-term radiological consequences. The key output of the project will be a handbook for the general population, the administrations, the local elected representatives and the concerned professionals. National "stakeholders panels" have been set up in each participating country: Belarus, France, Germany and the UnitedKingdom. These panels involve professionals from the public health sector (nurses, midwives, medical doctors, radiation protection experts, medical social workers, NGOs, …), who will contribute to the elaboration of the handbook and to the evaluation of the practicability of the proposed strategies. A European "stakeholder workshop" will be organised at the beginning of 2005 with all interested parties. This workshop will disseminate the findings of the project to a wide audience, as well as facilitating discussion on ways to implement the strategies and guidance on a practical level. Recommendations will be prepared for further possible developments at the European level. This paper presents the objectives, the main work programme and the preliminary findings from the SAGE project.