Earlier studies of transient frequency changes in high-purity swept AT quartz resona tor* led to the conclusion that impurity induced effects were, if present, small! while the observed changes were qualitatively and quanti tatively well characterized in tarns of the time changing temperature of the vibrating quartz and its effect on frequency.In the present work, we have prepared 5 MHz, AT cut fifth overtone, and BT a.id SC cut third overtone resonators Iron a single stone of Sawyer fwept Premum-Q quarts. The resonators were operated in precision ovenised oscillators at or near their turnover temperatures. Pulsed irra diation, at dose levels of the order of rads (Si) per pulse, wa4 accomplished at the Sandia Labs' Hermes II facility operating in the Brcms-itrahlung node.The cxperiaentfll data, display negative fre quency transients for the AT cut resonators, positive frequency transients for the 3T cut resonators, and vary small transient effects for the SC cut resonators. Frota those experimental results wc conclude that I) no measurable impurity-inducod frequency changes (elaitic ondulus changes) are being observed in this high purity swept-quarts and thac 2) the frequency tran sients nvc accurately saddled in torms of tran sient temperature offects ateaming from the thermal characteristics of the resonator •tructuro.