I would like to thank my committee members, Eric Brown, Gary Phye, Mack Shelley, and Catherine Strohbehn, for their insight, guidance, feedback, and probing questions, as their presence throughout this process helped me to learn and grow. I would specifically like to thank Dr. Susan Arendt, my major professor, who provided guidance, precious time, positive reinforcement, and her experience and knowledge to help me successfully complete this program. Thank you to Julie Lee, a colleague of mine, who read and analyzed the transcripts. Her help provided an added level of depth to this work, and I am in her debt. I would also like to thank all the men and women who participated in this study, without whom, I could not have completed this work. Thank you to the Foodservice Systems Management Education Council for the grant to help fund this research and to the foodservice directors and division foodservice director who granted me access to conduct my research in their operations. I was welcomed and granted full access to each foodservice department. Thank you to Western Kentucky University, Family and Consumer Sciences Department, and Greenview Regional Hospital; my employers over the last six years. Each provided assistance toward my attainment of this degree as well as great places to develop professionally. On a personal note, I would like to thank my husband, Todd, for his never wavering belief that I would be successful in this pursuit. My son, James, who was born during this journey and was very much a part of my motivation to finish. Both of whom, had to endure long hours of me taking a break from my role as "Mom" and "Wife" to work on this project. Thank you to my Mom, Sarah Budde, and my Aunt, Helen Gagel, for reading and editing much of this work. Their editing and feedback took time away from their lives, but I so appreciate the help and knowledge they provided. viii Thank you Mom, Beth, Kevin, and Emily for your support and babysitting skills. I always knew James was happy and safe as you all took care of him, while I was reading and writing. And finally, Melainie, thank you for the encouragement and providing an outlet for me to escape for a few hours while we talked and laughed and solved all of the worlds' problems.