Biography: Sophie is an Academic Developer based within Keele University's Institute for Innovation and Teaching Excellence, working to support academic staff across the university through a range of teaching and learning CPD programmes, workshops and consultancy. Prior to this role, Sophie worked as a Sustainability Project Officer in the School of Geography, Geology and the Environment, undertaking Higher Education for Sustainable Development (HESD) focused research and teaching activities. Sophie completed her PhD at Keele in 2017 which, broadly speaking, explored different roles and purposes of Higher Education (HE) in England and the extent to which different roles and purposes of the university are in tension (or not) with one another. More specifically, Sophie's empirical research investigated how increasing marketisation in English HE has influenced the pursuit, practice and development of HESD agendas within England's HE sector since the mid-2000s, exploring a range of contradictions/challenges, as well as synergies/opportunities presented to HESD agendas and research, within the prevailing marketised context. Prior to joining Keele, Sophie studied at The University of Nottingham from 2004 to 2008, graduating with a BSc Hons Degree in Geography and an MSc in Environmental Management.