Each year,t he German Chemical Society (Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker,GDCh) and its various divisions recognize outstanding achievements with multifarious prizes.Some of the 2020 awardees who have been regular authors of Angewandte Chemie and its sister journals are featured below. Stefanie Dehnen (University of Marburg, Germany) [1a] is the winner of the Alfred Stock Memorial Award for scientific excellence in inorganic chemistry.Dehnen studied Chemistry at University of Karlsruhe (now Karlsruhe Institute of Te chnology,K IT) and earned her doctoral degree in 1996 for work supervised by Dieter Fenske.She stayed in Karlsruhe,did postdoctoral research in Theoretical Chemistry with Reinhard Ahlrichs (1997), and received her Habilitation in Inorganic Chemistry in 2004. In 2005 she became Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at Philipps University Marburg. Dehnensr esearch is focused on the synthesis and experimental as well as quantum chemical investigation of compounds with multinary,inparticular multimetallic,m olecular nanoarchitectures that have potential as innovative catalysts,w hite-light emitters,o rb attery materials.S he had aC ommunication in Angewandte Chemie on controlling the white-light generation of tin-chalcogene clusters [1b] and aG uest Editorial in favor of original fundamental research. [1c] Dehnen was elected Member of the Board of GDCh in 2019. She is currently Vice President of the GDCh. Markus Antonietti (Max Planck Institute (MPI) for Colloids and Interfaces,P otsdam;G ermany) is presented with the 2020 Hermann Staudinger Award for excellence in macromolecular chemistry.A ntonietti studied at University of Mainz and earned his doctorate under supervision of Hans Sillescu in 1985. He stayed in Mainz for his Habilitation (finished in 1990) and, in 1991, took up ap rofessorship at Philipps University of Marburg. In 1993 he movedt ot he MPIf or Colloids and Interfaces whereh ew as appointedD irectorf or ColloidC hemistry.H ei sa lsoaProfessora tt he University of Potsdam. Antoniettiscurrent research dealsw ithm acromoleculars ystems in sustainable chemistry, i.e. ,f or catalysis ande lectrocatalysis, for artificial photosynthesis,a nd forc arbons equestration ands oilr emediation.I naCommunicationi n Angewandte Chemie,h er eportedo ns ynthetic humica cids that solubilize phosphates to improve soil fertility, [2a] andinChemCatChems"Building A NewE nergyE conomy"S pecial Issueh er eviewed ionicc arbonn itrides in solarh ydrogenp roduction ando rganic synthesis. [2b] Antonietti is am embero f theE ditorial Boardo fSmall ando ft he Executive BoardofW iley-VCHsM acromolecularJ ournals.