Classroom-based communication requires an appropriate contribution from lecturer and students� roles to constitute their non-cognitive skills. This study examines the paralinguistic attribution contributions deriving from lecturer�s visual manner. Of 504 pre-service English teachers, 120 freshmen participated in this study. Data collection used the questionnaire through a random sampling selection from lecturer�s writing class instruction. Data analysis used the multiple regression analyses with the significance level (p-value) of .05. The findings exhibited that lecturer�s paralinguistic attributions, namely: articulation, sonority, loudness, facial expression and lips setting and gesture positively contributed a significant influence towards writing class instruction. The effectiveness of the paralinguistic attributions contributed 45.5% of overall outputs shown in this study and the regression analysis dealt with F = 19.017, R� = .455, and p< .05. This study concludes the existence of the paralinguistic attributions adapts the freshmen�s learning maturation in the lecturer�s instructional modes.