Ethnomathematics, STEAM Education, and the Globalized Approach are articulated to analyze mathematical connections in daily practices. For this, the networking strategies were considered (understand the theoretical approaches; contrast-compare; coordinate-combine; synthesize-local integration). In the coordination and comparison, the complementarities between the approaches were evidenced and based on these, an empirical phenomenon was analyzed on the connections in daily practices carried out by five artisans who worked in the elaboration of kites, cabinets, masks, and drawers, agriculture, and masonry. From the integration strategy, three results were identified: (i) intra-disciplinary connections, which make it possible to present mathematics as an integrated whole, rather than as a set of isolated knowledge; (ii) interdisciplinary connections, between knowledge from different disciplines that feed into each other; and (iii) connections between the mathematics practiced by cultural groups with institutionalised mathematics that are, at the same time, globalized because they relate mathematics to the socio-cultural context.