Professionalism, which encompasses competencies, ethics, and societal
expectations, is an essential feature of modern medical practice. For nurses,
practical education in clinical settings, including the operating room, can
foster professionalism by demonstrating the importance of patient safety,
ethics, and collaboration. This article reports on a study that investigated
nursing students’ learning journey and perceptions of professionalism during an
operating room practicum. This qualitative descriptive study, which used
Bengtsson (content analysis, analyzed 202 self-reflective reports written by
junior students at a nursing college in one city in South Korea between 2021 and
2022. The analysis yielded 50 key meanings and 10 sub-categories and identified
the following three categories: “Perceptions of a collaborative operating room
care environment,” “Observations on nurses as advocates for surgical patients,”
and “Challenges to professionalism and growth as future perioperative nurses.”
The results of the study indicate that the operating room practicum offered more
than clinical exposure; it also fostered professional growth and shaped ethical
values. On the basis of these findings we suggest that practical education in
the operating should be integrated with ethics education to enhance skills,
cultivate professional awareness, and promote professionalism in nursing.