In recent years, membrane technology
has improved the control of
protein crystallization and post-crystallization treatment of protein
crystals. Many advancements have been achieved regarding solvent evaporation
control, heterogeneous nucleation modulation, diffusion of ligands,
and the attainment of a protective environment from the combination
of membranes with hydrogel materials. Indeed, membranes allow for
finer control of the supersaturation rate and nucleation at lower
degrees of supersaturation while also enhancing crystallization kinetics,
providing greater stability, and decreasing crystal handling during
post-crystallization. This comprehensive review addresses the concept
of membrane-assisted crystallization with a particular focus on proteins
and the impact of the process on the quality of crystal diffraction.
Furthermore, it advocates for the benefits of combining membranes
with microfabrication technologies and encourages the innovation of
new membrane-devices with high-throughput for crystallographic purposes.