We study the pion mass dependence of the ð770Þ and f 0 ð600Þ masses and widths from one and twoloop unitarized chiral perturbation theory (ChPT). We show the consistency of one-loop calculations with lattice results for the M , f , and the isospin-2 scattering length a 20 . Then, we develop and apply the modified inverse amplitude method formalism for two-loop ChPT. In contrast to the f 0 ð600Þ, the ð770Þ is rather sensitive to the two-loop ChPT parameters-our main source of systematic uncertainty. We thus provide two-loop unitarized fits constrained by lattice information on M , f , by the q " q leading 1=N c behavior of the and by existing estimates of low-energy constants. These fits yield relatively stable predictions up to m ' 300-350 MeV for the coupling and width as well as for all the f 0 ð600Þ parameters. We confirm, to two loops, the weak m dependence of the coupling and the KawarabayashiSuzuki-Riazuddin-Fayyazuddin relation, and the existence of two virtual f 0 ð600Þ poles for sufficiently high m . At two loops one of these poles becomes a bound state when m is somewhat larger than 300 MeV.