“…High sensitivity is the main advantage of the collision cell approach over the high mass resolution approach in K isotope analysis by MC-ICP-MS. Sensitivity of 1000–2000 V per μg/g for K can be achieved using a new generation collision cell MC-ICP-MS (CC-MC-ICP-MS), ,,, compared to the typically sensitivity of <30 V per μg/g for K on HR-MC-ICP-MS without a collision cell. ,,, The >1000 V per μg/g sensitivity means that, from a counting statistics point of view, precise K isotope ratio measurements can be achieved for a diluted K solution with a concentration as low as 10 ng/g (i.e., 10–20 V total K signal intensity) on CC-MC-ICP-MS. However, the accuracy of K isotope analysis by CC-MC-ICP-MS can be compromised by Ca in the sample solutions, where a [Ca]/[K] of 0.01 can cause a 0.03–0.10‰ offset in measured 41 K/ 39 K ratios. ,,, Because Ca is a major contaminant that ubiquitously exists in reagents, acids, water, containers, reaction vessels, pipet tips, and air dusts, ng/g to sub-ng/g level background of Ca is common in K analyte solutions, even after careful chemical procedures of purification.…”