ABSTRACT. Aspidella terranovica Billings, 1872 was ®rst described from the late Neoproterozoic Fermeuse Formation (St. John's Group) on the Avalon Peninsula of eastern Newfoundland, approximately 1 km stratigraphically above the famous Ediacaran biota at Mistaken Point, and several kilometres below the base of the Cambrian. Aspidella has been reinterpreted perhaps more than any other Precambrian taxon, and has variously been regarded as a fossil mollusc or medusoid', a gas escape structure, a concretion, or a mechanical suction mark. Our studies indicate that Aspidella includes a wide variety of preservational morphs varying from negative hyporeliefs with a raised rim and ridges radiating from a slit (Aspidella-type preservation), to¯at discs with a central boss and sharp outer ring (Spriggia preservation), to positive hyporeliefs with concentric ornamentation (Ediacaria preservation). Specimens occur in a continuum of sizes, with preservational styles dependent on the size of the specimen and the grain size of the host lithology; the elongation of specimens is tectonic. Aspidella is con®rmed as a body fossil from observations of complex radial and concentric ornamentation, mutually deformed borders in clusters of specimens, and occurrence on the same bedding planes as certain distinctive Ediacaran taxa. Aspidella is indistinguishable from, and has priority over, several of the most common genera of late Neoproterozoic discoidal body fossils worldwide. Similar fossils from Australia are interpreted as holdfasts of frond-like organisms. The density of specimens in the Aspidella beds suggests levels of benthic biomass in the Neoproterozoic that could rival those of modern marine communities. The serial growth forms, Palaeopascichnus, Intrites, Neonereites renarius and Yelovichnus, associated with Aspidella, are interpreted as body fossils of unknown af®nities rather than trace fossils. A new, trilobed, Ediacaran body fossil, Triforillonia costellae gen. et sp. nov., is described from the Aspidella beds of the Fermeuse Formation.T H E discovery and description of Aspidella terranovica Billings, 1872 in what is now known as the Fermeuse Formation of the St. John's Group, from the Avalon Zone of eastern Newfoundland (Text-®gs 1±2), came at a time when geologists were grappling with the relatively new disciplines of stratigraphy and systematic palaeontology. The earliest references to these discoidal impressions realized their utility in establishing stratigraphical relationships on the Avalon Peninsula (Murray 1868, 1873; Billings 1872). It was another matter to explain enormous numbers of fossils of apparently soft-bodied organisms in very old strata. The fact that the Aspidella-bearing formation clearly underlay the local trilobite-bearing`Primordial' strata, with marked unconformity, added to the concern of later commentators.Despite regular reviews of the status of Aspidella (see Hofmann, 1971 and references therein, plus subsequent references by Hsu È (1972), King (1980), Landing et al. (1988), Conway Morris (19...