From the start of river incision onward, the abandoned terrace surface is only reached by floods during peak discharges. Two main flood facies are distinguished: a relatively high-energetic, coarse-grained facies and a relatively low-energetic, fine-grained facies. In general, the flood deposits become gradually finer-grained and the finer-grained facies relatively more prominent when the river incises progressively deeper. This signifies a delayed and prolonged effect of channel incision and flood deposition compared with the climate changes that initiated the incision. However, these long-term trends may be interrupted by shorter-term events of flooding or non-deposition. Those short events are expressed by cycles of coarse-grained deposits from small/shallow flooding channels due to short peak discharges or fine-grained suspended sediment and incipient soils during periods of low flow. These short events may be attributed to short climatic episodes or intermittent intrinsic river evolution.