Advances in laser spectroscopy of light muonic atoms led to an order-ofmagnitude improvement in the determination of the proton, deuteron, and helium-4 charge radii. This resulted in a number of tensions with previous measurements, based on electron scattering and spectroscopy of ordinary atoms; most notably, the "proton radius puzzle". We start with an introduction to nuclear effects in hydrogen-like atoms, including a discussion of radiative corrections. We briefly review the current status of the nucleon structure quantities (form factors, polarized and unpolarized structure functions, polarizabilities) and of their effect in the Lamb shift and hyperfine splitting (hfs) of muonic hydrogen (µH) through forward two-photon exchange. Updated theory predictions for the Lamb shift and hfs in µH are presented. Focusing on the groundstate hfs in µH, we review the challenges of the ongoing effort to produce a first-ever measurement of this fundamental quantity, and of its potential impact on our understanding of the nucleon spin structure. We show that, leveraging radiative corrections, a novel theory prediction based on the empirical hfs in hydrogen allows to narrow down the search for the transition considerably. We summarize the very recent developments in the field of spectroscopy of simple atomic and molecular systems, with emphasis on how they, together with the scattering studies, allow for precise determinations of fundamental constants, bound-state QED tests, and New Phyics searches. We conclude with prospects for theoretical developments and an outlook on the ongoing and planned experiments at both the scattering and atomic facilities.