The commonality of cyclic processes and rhythms of super volcanoes with periodic components of solar neutrino and muons fluxes is a subject of modern research. This study includes new additional factors -solar flares and thermal fields of radioactive structures. Experimental basis of research -simultaneous observations of temperature in the creek of the Yellowstone volcano caldera and in the laboratory of the Institute of Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences on cesium and uranium ore 235. There is a shift of the maximum correlation by 36.5 days relative to variations in the temperature of cesium 137. That is, the flux of solar neutrinos and muons almost simultaneously affect cesium 137 and the radioactive substances of the magma chambers of the super volcano, but thermal variations of magma and surrounding structures reach the surface of the day and the sources of the stream in only 36.5 days. The study of the fine structure of temperature fields in the thickness of the Elbrus rocks as a super volcano was carried out with precision thermometers that allow temperature measurements with a sensitivity of ~0.005°C in the gallery of the North Caucasus Geophysical Observatory of the Physical Institute of Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, that is, in the Baksan Gorge at a distance of 4100 m from the mouth of the Baksan Neutrino Division of the neutrino system. The inter correlation function between the radioactivity variations of uranium ore in the laboratory of the Institute of Physical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences with hourly averaging and variations in the temperature of a radioactive source during hourly averaging strongly correlate, that is, a forecast of the activation of volcanism by the level of radiation from a laboratory source is possible. On the other hand, one can point to the general sensitivity parameters of volcanoes: temperature fields, interaction with the neutrino solar flux, solar flares, and the level of radioactivity of the volcanic zone.